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The Vanir are one of the two major pantheon deities in Norse and Germanic mythology, the other being the Aesir.

Notable Vanir[]

  • Freyja
  • Freyr
  • Agnar of Vanaheim, Aldrif Odinsdottir, Aurvandil, Baduhenna, Beyla, Bragi, Byggvir, Elli, Ēostre, Fafnir Hriedmarson (the Dragon), Fjölnir, Fjörgyn and Fjörgynn, Fólkvangr, Freya, Freyja Freyrdottir, Frid, Gefjon, Gerd/Gerðr, Gersemi, Gudrun the Golden, Gullveig, Heiðr, Heimdall (Vanaheim version), Hermod Odinson, Hnoss, Hogun (Vanir version), Hretha, Hriedmar, Hrímfaxi, Hrothgar, Hunder, Idunn (Vanaheim version), Ingunar-Freyr, Kvasir, Laussa Odinsdottir, Lorak, Lytir, Mundilfari, Nerthus, Njörðr / Njord / Njord Burison (King of the Vanir & co-leader of the Asgardians), Óðr / Otr Hriedmarson / Odur, Regin Hriedmarson, Ro Bloodroot, Saxnōt, Seasons (Sumarr and Vetr), Sif (Vanaheim version), Sinthgunt, Sister-wife of Njörðr, Skadi/Skaði, Skadi (Serpent's Daughter), Skinfaxi, Skírnir, Snotra, Sunna, Ullr, Svalingr, Vana, Viðfinnr, Vör, Wade, Wayland the Smith, Weth, Yngvi, Unknown Vanir Mother, Unknown Vanir Child, Other Germanic Deities (Alcis, Ēostre, Ostara, Móðguðr, Tuisto, Morok [evil god], Seaxnēat, Wayland the Smith, etc.),

Powers and Abilities[]

  • Enhanced Skills: They also seem to be great builders, since the Vanir created the fabled Skíðblaðnir, a ship that was capable of flying and was described as the best of ships.
    • Magic: Ancient Vanir arts, known as the Old Magic, were capable of reanimating the dead, and some of them even had the ability to manipulate time itself. One of the most significant accomplishments of Vanir magic is invulnerability to all threats, physical or magical, which Freya blessed or "cursed" Baldur with. The only thing that can break the spell is mistletoe; as Mimir describes, though Vanir magic is powerful, its rules remain slippery and elusive. It makes sense if anyone is a witch. It seems the mystical ways of the Vanir can be taught to other races since Freya was the one who taught her former husband Odin the art of Seiðr, and Sindri, a Dwarf, went to Vanaheim to learn their magic in order to improve his smithing skills.

Limitations & Weaknesses[]

  • Apple-Induced Eternal Youth : The Norse gods unlike the Greek Gods or Egyptian Gods will rapidly grow old and weaken when they're unable to eat Idunn's apples of eternal youth on a regular basis. This is shown when she was kidnapped by Utgard-Loki on one occasion.
  • Mortality : The Norse gods are extremely difficult to kill (Mimir survived being decapitated, for instance) but they, unlike the Greco-Roman gods, are not completely immortal, as most of them are destined to die during Ragnarok, the Twilight of the Norse gods. Beings or weapons with the power to kill Norse gods include the following:
    • Other gods, since Loki and Heimdall are destined to kill each other.
    • Surt , the Lord of Muspellheim , who is destined to use Sumarbrander to kill Frey .
    • Fenris, the ferocious wolf, who is destined to kill Odin ; his two sons, Sköll and Hati, are also about to kill Sól the Sun and Máni the Moon after which Ragnarök would come.
    • Garm, the blood-stained guard dog of Hel, who is destined to kill Tyr.
    • Jormungand , the World Serpent, who is destined to kill Thor (though he will also be slain in the process).
    • Mistletoe that killed the otherwise invulnerable Baldur.
    • Thor's hammer Mjølnir, as he had threatened to kill Loki with it several times.

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